
Podcast Episode 46: 10 Things I’m Grateful for in 2016

If you’re in the United States, Happy Thanksgiving! If you’re everywhere else, hope you’re having a great day!

This is really one of my favorite days of the year because it’s full of family, football and food. The 3 big f’s!

And it’s truly fun for me to sit back and reflect with gratitude. That was the one emotion my mother taught me that I could rely on. The more grateful I was, the more I saw every single little blessing.

It reminded me that I was super lucky no matter how I actually felt.

I would love to thank you as a listener as well as share what how you as a community make me see the world in a different way. So this is my way of thanking you and everyone else that’s been on this journey with me.

Listen in to Episode 046 and you’ll learn

  • Friends and family
  • Opportunities in life and in business
  • Mentors that have helped me along the way
  • The ability to build a legacy to leave my family
  • Being able to live the life I want and to serve others
  • For falling, because if I didn’t fall I would have never taken the steps that got me to where I am today

Join my Ready Aim Empire tribe to find incredible insights from other entrepreneurs and share your own takeaways!

With grit + gratitude,

Xo Lisé

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