Objections can be flat out scary.
And the worst one by far is the “It’s too expensive” line that can truly feel like a punch in the gut.
You probably just spent 20, 30, even 50 minutes having a great conversation with someone, seeing them nod at everything you’ve said and then all of the sudden, it comes to a halt.
“It’s too expensive.” Those 3 words can really crush your soul.
We’ve all heard those words, but we’ve also said those words too. No shame, me too!
As the years have gone by, I’ve noticed that the number of times we hear those words has gradually gone down.
It started to get me thinking what changes we’d made to make that happen
So there are ways to prevent that from happening in your business when you are targeting the right people for those conversations.
I’m going to let you in on the 4 Ways to Stop The “It’s Too Expensive” Objection From Ever Happening:
- Define pricing within your marketing material to a warm audience.
- Target your ideal demographics.
- Get straight on what your business is and cruise into blue water no competition territory.
- Understand two buying mentalities
I get really in-depth with each one of these 4 ways so you can implement them into your sales conversations and pages.
So listen into Episode 050 and you’ll learn
- Why money is ALWAYS the biggest objection
- Why I define pricing within my initial marketing material
- Why price points do not belong on your website
- How sharing your price points with warm audiences is beneficial to you
- Here’s what I mean by “mapping your clients”
- What are traditional buyers and the NEO buyers?
- There’s a difference between selling to and/or educating your client
- Why price objections usually mean clients do not see the full value of what you are selling
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With grit + gratitude,
Xo Lisé