
Podcast Episode 130: Here’s My Must-Have, Daily, Money Mindset Exercise {That’s Added Millions To My Bottom Line}

Jerry Maguire…

Cute Kiddo {who made glasses precious to me forever on lil ones}…

Fabulously, Wonderful Renee Zellweger…

And, Cuba Gooding, Jr. yelling “Show Me The Money” {while Tom Cruise loses his mind on the other end of the phone}.

Whenever I start thinking money, that’s the scene that rolls into my head…

Ridiculous, Over the Top… and likely a sign of the fact that I still question whether “Money Mindset” is a real thing.

But, over the last year I’ve done a pretty good job of pushing Cuba aside, digging into my mindset {which like it or not, needed some work} and using this lil ‘ole exercise as my chance to change how I view the monies that come into my business each and every day.

The exercise is simple and takes about 5 minutes of my day, but it’s changed how I view…

  • The transformative, life-changing power of my services {cause I’m keeping track of just how much my clients are impacted}
  • The impact my tiny business is having on the world around me {cause our reach is much farther than we can initially guess}
  • The goodness that these monies bring to my life {cause like it or not, we’ve all been programmed to some degree to believe that money is the root of all evil}

Turns out money mindset is about a whole lot more than money.

Step 1: Write out your goals specifically in turns of exact revenue in, exact revenue saved, and the exact number of clients on specific packages that it will take to reach this goal.

You know how we ask clients to get specific on what it means to “be less stressed” or “get strong”?

It’s the flip side, baby, and your turn to do the same thing for yourself.

Step 2:  Write out exactly how this money and/or your services are going to change:

  • Your Own Life: Think everything from college funds paid for to paying off your momma’s house to going all Joanna Gaines and finally putting in the kitchen of your dreams.  These are the ways this money can transform your life, but be specific as to why these things matter. The kitchen in itself is meaningless, but the family dinners you’ll remember forever… well, that’s priceless.
  • Your Client’s Life: This is where it gets good. It’s the specific ways you’ve changed your client’s lives and I like to get so specific, I list out my clients and the exact changes they’ve seen. So whether it’s kiddos getting scholarships or the heart rehab patient getting to walk his daughter down the aisle, it’s time to acknowledge the POWER of our work… cause we truly are life changers.
  • The World: Yes, the world. Cause your impact has a ripple effect. Whether it means generational change has struck a family, or the charity you give 10% to has fed 50 people, remind yourself that this business has a much BIGGER purpose that what happens in it’s four walls. Shoot… it’s capable of changing the world.

Step 3: Write out the self limiting beliefs as to why these goals won’t happen.

For those of who have no beliefs, get on with your bad self.

For the rest of us, well it’s time to look deep into the not so pretty voices that sometimes roll through our head.

Maybe it’s that you question your worth or you don’t believe you should have money.

Maybe it’s that you haven’t met your goals the last three months, so why would that change?

Maybe it’s that you had a competitor open up and you’re scared out of your mind that your clients are gonna jump ship for greener pastures.

Write it all down.

Step 4: Write down the truth, complete with the actions you’ve taken to change these beliefs.

Just had a competitor open? Well, you’ve spent years building a loyal following and this month you’re reaching out to 120 of your best customers to share how much you appreciate them {along with a bottle of your favorite wine}.

Haven’t met your goals in two months? It’s a good thing you hired a coach to serve as your operations director for two hours a month, cause she’s going to bring amazing change {and I do believe that our action steps forward often yield change in themselves}.

The key is to notate the actions you’re taking that negate these beliefs. It’s not about sitting by the wayside. It’s about taking the steps into change.

My Challenge To You: Do this exercise daily for thirty days and let’s see what happens. I guarantee, you’ll find yourself in bigger and better places shortly!

With Grit and Gratitude,


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