Accounting may not sound sexy {especially when you’re paying taxes}…
But, when you realize what the right numbers can do for your business, it starts to look like the best thing you’ve ever seen.
I’m always asked what kind of accounting systems do you recommend?
And, there’s only one I love so much that I have literally mailed hundreds of copies of the book that describes it.
Hello, Profit First.
If once upon a time your parent’s used the “envelope” method to help you manage your allowance, you’ll have a good idea of what the basics of this system looks like, and when you put it into place, well, get ready.
You’re gonna find out just how nice it is to write your dream check every single month.
Since I’m such a fan, I begged Shannon Simmons, a Profit First certified accountant, who specializes in fitness businesses to sit down with me and layout key tools you can start implementing today…
Even if you hate Quickbooks as much as I do.
- What is “Profit First” and how it works
- How to ensure you are paying yourself!
- Why some people are operating from a deficit and don’t realize it
- Some of the biggest marketing mistakes people make
- Why it is important to allocate funds all year long to certain months where
you plan on spending more - How to utilize your bank account as a metric
- Why it is important to review your expenses and how that can bump your
pay as a business owner
With grit + gratitude,