
Podcast Episode 146: Meet Rachel Saligari, Founder of Active Health Solutions Physiotherapy, a Total Body Wellness Center That’s Now Booming After Switching to a Membership-Based Business Model

Expert skill set. Check.

Strong business mindset. Check.

Sporadic seasons and continuously dipping revenue. Also, check. Except this last one isn’t so stellar.

When Rachel and her husband initially opened their doors to Active Health Solutions Physiotherapy, they did it without a single client, staff member, or social media account…

Simply because, well, social media wasn’t a thing.

They started as many business owners do, juggling all the balls and wearing all the hats, including receptionists and toilet cleaners, in addition to being physical therapists.

And through the power of word-of-mouth and a strategic move to couple together complementary services that would benefit their discharged physical therapy clients, they saw success.

However, as their family grew (they have three boys under four, two of them twins… yes, Rachel is Wonder Woman), she needed seasons of time off from the business, which was repeatedly followed by dips in attendance and revenue.

Despite having a stellar business mindset of being “removed” from the day-to-day operations of the company (read The E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber if you haven’t, he explains why this mindset is critical for business success), it was their systems that were lacking.

So, she dug deep, crunched numbers and flipped her profit plan on its head…

The results?

A 40% revenue increase compared to this time last year.

And with her sights set on taking Active Health Solutions Physiotherapy to a second, third, and fourth location and beyond, hearing Rachel’s story and how she adopted a membership-based methodology is a sure-fire way to get your gears turning on how to grow smart, strategic, and maintain your sanity in the process.

On today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why Rachel branched out from solely offering physical therapy services
  • Her mindset for making herself “replaceable” in her business
  • Learning to bring in revenue without sacrificing time with family
  • How Rachel has increased her revenue by 40% through switching to a membership-based model

With grit + gratitude,


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