
The 10 Biggest Mistakes I’ve Made Growing My Businesses {and how to avoid them} Part 1

Perfectionism does not exist.

Let me repeat that because this was a hard truth for me to learn.

Being perfect? Not an option. What is important is knowing where your weaknesses are.

In the past years of growing our businesses, I’ve many many, many mistakes. And I know I’ll go on to make more. Which I intend to learn from and move on from.

Because mistakes, y’all, are some of the best doggone teachers you can ever get.

Some of the biggest, craziest, baddest mistakes I’ve made in building our businesses have been some of my best opportunities to learn. They caused Dan and I to make radical changes in our businesses… for the better.

In this part 1 of a brand-new episode of Ready. Aim. Empire, I’m sharing my #8-10 mistakes out of my top 10 worst mistakes.

Trust me, some of these are real game-changers.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How I know that perfectionism doesn’t exist and what we should be focusing on instead
  • What these “mistakes” taught me and how they allowed our businesses to flourish
  • What can happen when you enter into an agreement with the wrong landlord and why your intuition is truly your BFF
  • Why successfully negotiating a lease is one of the most crucial steps in getting your studio off the ground
  • The #1 question to ask yourself when deciding between several business paths
  • What you’ve gotta consider when developing a solid exit plan {and why it’s a must-have!}

With Grit + Gratitude,


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