The Must Have 30-Day Follow Up for Intro Package Prospects That Don’t Convert



  • Plug-and-play emails and texts to turn Intro Package prospects who didn’t originally convert into LONG TERM members 
  • Customizable, mad-libs style copy so that it sounds just like you
  • Fun and educational material that ensures that the copy comes across as personal, intimate and that your prospects can trust you!

Give me the deets

You’ve done the difficult task of getting a new client through your doors. 

They’ve already taken your intro package, they’ve interacted with you and your instructors, and they’ve left happy BUT they didn’t buy. 

What next?

Well, you need to begin the process of trying to turn them into loyal members. 

Studio Grow’s Must Have 30-Day Follow Up for Intro Package Prospects That Don’t Convert helps you do exactly that, with a series of done-for-you, plug-and-play emails and text messages that can get someone from a warm prospect, who isn’t quite sure, to loyal client in 30 days!