I’m breaking out of the prison of Pinterest Perfectionism.
I’m going to walk you back to when I was 11 years old. My favorite days were when the postman would drop off another round of magazines and catalogs.
And my favorite was the J. Crew catalog.
It truly was the epitome of perfection to me. I might’ve been a little bit young, but man I would see every model, set layout and just think, “What if this was my life?”
Through the years, that obsession with perfection moved onto reading Us Weekly to now….Pinterest.
Pinterest is truly my weakness. I am immediately inspired.
Although after awhile, I noticed after an hour of Pinterest, I didn’t feel excited. I started to feel a little deflated. I would get off of Pinterest wondering why my life didn’t look as good as other people’s.
So listen into Episode 091 and you’ll learn:
- How I fell into a “cult of comparison”
- Why I restricted access to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
- Why I write down my judgments
- How I utilize CBT in my life!
www.Freedom.io (Link to App)
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With grit + gratitude,
Xo Lisé