Let’s face it, your studio is a direct reflection of you. A thriving business typically means you’re leading well, but a struggling studio may be a warning sign of a need for self-assessment.
Based on years of experience working with studio owners, Coach Catherine Hebb tells it like it is in Episode 647: Mirror of Success: 3 Personal Traits that Can Sabotage Your Business.
- Get organized: stop spinning your wheels; start proactively blocking your time
- Aim for a target: set goals to avoid simply coasting and hoping without direction
- Identify your KPIs: monitor revenue, expenses, attrition, leads and conversion rates
- Set the tone: communicate your values, expectations, boundaries and SOPs
- Confront conflict: confidently and calmly address issues as they arise
We all can improve as leaders. Don’t squelch your success simply because you’re unwilling to look in the mirror. Episode 647 invites you to take a quick peek.
Catch you there.
With grit and gratitude,