Mirror of Success: 3 Personal Traits that Can Sabotage Your Business

Let’s face it, your studio is a direct reflection of you. A thriving business typically means you’re leading well, but a struggling studio may be a warning sign of a need for self-assessment. 

Based on years of experience working with studio owners, Coach Catherine Hebb tells it like it is in Episode 647: Mirror of Success: 3 Personal Traits that Can Sabotage Your Business.

  • Get organized: stop spinning your wheels; start proactively blocking your time
  • Aim for a target: set goals to avoid simply coasting and hoping without direction
  • Identify your KPIs: monitor revenue, expenses, attrition, leads and conversion rates
  • Set the tone: communicate your values, expectations, boundaries and SOPs
  • Confront conflict: confidently and calmly address issues as they arise

We all can improve as leaders. Don’t squelch your success simply because you’re unwilling to look in the mirror. Episode 647 invites you to take a quick peek. 

Catch you there.

With grit and gratitude,






How to Build a Successful Team, Part 3: Setting Your Team Up for Success 

As studio owners, we may think hiring more staff will automatically lighten our load and get everything running like clockwork. Many of us have discovered it’s not quite that simple.

Hiring great team members is just the start. You also need a thorough onboarding process to help each employee thrive. Consider the essential components with Coach Elle Kealy in Episode 646: How to Build a Successful Team, Part 3: Setting Your Team Up for Success. 

  • Share the blueprint: emphasize your mission, vision, values and culture 
  • Lay the foundation: thoroughly train the basics of the job and your tech tools
  • Provide the building blocks: explain both the how and why of your processes
  • Add the accents: share clear expectations, set goals, answer questions
  • Polish and perfect: assess your leadership style and adjust if necessary

For more on nurturing an employee even before they’ve started at your studio, read Never Lose an Employee Again by Joey Coleman. And implement the practical insights in Episode 646.

Catch you there.

With grit and gratitude,






The Team Meeting Blueprint

Think about it – meetings typically invoke thoughts of boredom, wasted time and even dread. But they’re critical for communication, information-sharing, collaboration and team-building. 

Against these odds, how do you make your meetings productive, valuable, and…dare I say, fun? Coach Caroline Plambeck lays out your critical success factors in Episode 645: The Team Meeting Blueprint.

  • Give a heads-up: have a regular schedule or provide sufficient notice
  • Craft a plan: distribute an agenda to stay on track and engage your team
  • Address intangibles: discuss core values, culture and improvement opportunities
  • Foster discussion: invite feedback and include everyone so no one dominates
  • Delegate and follow-up: assign responsibilities and deadlines for accountability

Also, be sure to celebrate successes and incorporate shoutouts to show appreciation and boost motivation. Learn how to make the most of your meetings with Episode 645. 

Catch you there.

With grit and gratitude,






A People-First Approach to Business – Part 2

Let’s face it, y’all, the real complexity of our businesses is our people. Simplification starts with smart management to empower them to thrive and, in turn, fuel your studio’s success. 

Learn more in Episode 644: A People-First Approach to Business – Part 2, as Coach Cara Hazelton continues her discussion with Amy Lefko, the author of People First. (If you missed Part 1, tune into Episode 639.) 

  • Embrace your role: think, talk and act like a leader to set a solid foundation
  • Do what you love: delegate your least-liked tasks to stave off potential dread
  • Learn your lessons: acknowledge mistakes, identify takeaways and move on
  • Escape wind tunnels: be willing to let go of processes that no longer work
  • Navigate flood zones: assess internal options before automatically hiring new staff

Plus, continually reinforce your value proposition, expectations and culture so your team is aligned. Access the how-to overview in Episode 644. 

Catch you there.

With grit and gratitude,




