
Here’s How to Turn a One Star Review Into Your Studio’s Best Advertisement

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You’re looking for a new restaurant to check out this Friday night. You’ve got your eye on 3 contenders.

How do you decide?

If you’re like me {and most of America!}, you turn to reviews on Google, Yelp, or Facebook. And, five minutes later, you know which restaurant you’ll be dining at this Friday night: one with gushing reviews about the menu, drinks, staff.

Your studio is no different.

Which means that negative reviews can quickly sour a potential client and turn them away… If you aren’t proactive and flip that negative review 180-degrees into a shining example of how you handle and run your studio.

And that, y’all, makes a doggone strong case for why a potential client should come to your studio vs the one across the street.

Instead of stressin’ about the reviewer’s unkind words, think of this negative review as your prime opportunity to showcase how your studio is different… even down to how you handle harsh criticism.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Your best approach for responding to a negative review + how to stay cool in the face of {sometimes} overwhelming negativity
  • How to turn a negative review into a 4 (or 5!) star review
  • Tips on removing a review on Yelp, Google, and Facebook
  • Why your response has incredible power and how to approach it {without taking their comments personally}
  • Ways to give your clients the opportunity to take care of your business

With Grit + Gratitude,


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