
Meet Angie McDermott and Learn How She’s Overcome an Autoimmune Diagnosis to Build One of the Top Athletic Training Facilities in the Midwest

“It’s not rest when you feel bad about it. I finally granted myself permission to take a breather.”

Screen Shot 2018-08-29 at 1.05.37 PMThis is Angie McDermott’s philosophy when it comes to her health and it’s for good reason. She has fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue as the owner of Konscious Body Fitness, an athletic training studio.

She takes naps.

She ensures her body gets enough sleep.

She drinks gallons of water.

She said buh-bye to her jeans due to them being uncomfortably painful. And she “doesn’t even drunk dial them.”

We could steal a page from her self-care manual, y’all. Too often we ignore our own h

Guys, it’s not an either/or situation: Either I’m healthy or I have a successful business. Instead, it’s a both/and situation: I’m healthy and I have a successful business.

Angie embodies that mentality.

That’s not the only reason I invited her on this new episode of Ready. Aim. Empire.

Because a couple years into her career, she took a 6-month hiatus because of burnout. Her health was suffering — that impeccable self-care routine we just talked about was not in place. She’s rebounded from that place of reevaluation into success’ golden seat and, oh boy, she’s got some tasty secrets to share on the mindset needed for that leap.  

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What made Angie decide to focus on athletic training and how she got the confidence to succeed in her chosen field
  • How a burnout led to her next business endeavor
  • The role that mindset and the mental game has played in the development of her career
  • How significant her health issues have impacted her physically {and mentally}… but haven’t prevented her from building a thriving business
  • Her suggestions on finding the support to help you succeed

With Grit + Gratitude,


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