
Building the What, How and Why of Building your Mission

It all started with one simple thought.

Ten years ago, a young ethnographer gave a speech that would impact millions of entrepreneurs around the world. This single idea was the fuel that inspired us to run a heartfelt business.

What story does your studio tell? Because it’s not all about what your services can do for them. Make no mistake about it, your customers want to fit into a bigger storyline. Today, I’m sharing what it takes to transform your company’s mission into your primary decision-making tool.

Listen in to hear why your mission is the most powerful way to narrow down your future vision. There are five magic steps we took to get our mission statement in a place we all stood behind, and I’ll guide you through the entire process.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What is the “Golden Circle” and why it matters so much to business owners
  • The role your “Why” will play in the building of your business

  • Ways that the “How” and the “What” will help you get to where you want to go
  • Why knowing this process will make things a lot easier for you as a studio owner


Simon Sinek:

With grit and gratitude,


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