Have you ever wondered why people find it difficult to stay on track with their health and fitness goals?

Wonder no more! Jacob Andreae, fitness, nutrition, and mindset coach, is here to reveal the secrets behind the psychology of behavior modification.
Sharpen your pencils and grab those notebooks as we deep dive into the difference between a routine and a habit, the main elements involved in habit creation, and how to build a fitness routine (comprising of 4 ‘E’s: environment, ease, efficiency and effectiveness) that will prevent people from dropping out due to low motivation levels.
If helping your clients make exercise a habit and keep bringing them back to your studio is on your wishlist, then honey, this episode’s going to feel like Christmas.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- How Jacob initially became interested in the science of behavior
- NLP training and how Jacob uses it in his business to be able to speak and communicate
- That motivation is made of pain and pleasure
- How to start identifying the difference between a routine and a habit
- What is really happening on a cellular level
- A routine is made up of four systems, and what Jacob system introduces first to his clients
With grit & gratitude,