
Best of Ready.Aim.Empire: The Ultimate Guide to Scaling your Studio Biz Digitally [PART 4]

Over the past few weeks we’ve covered a lot of topics when it comes to scaling your studio biz digitally. 

In today’s extra special throwback episode, Emily covers the fourth and final segment of building your first online fitness and wellness product by diving into the launch plan! 

The first three parts of this series outline the benefits of adding an online component to your studio, the types of online products that you can offer, and ways in which you can build the runway so that your online biz takes off with a bang. 

As we dig deeper into the nitty-gritty of digital marketing, you’ll discover the four types of funnels (marketing, trial, discount, and challenge) that can be used to successfully market your online product and expand community outreach, and finally, we’ll be discussing the various digital platforms that serve as powerful advertising tools at a low cost. 

If you’re ready to position your online product for success,  pop in those AirPods and get ready to rumble. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Which audience you should start targeting and how to do it the right way
  • What the trial funnel is and why we feel it’s necessary to use it 
  • When to offer a discount funnel and the opportunity this type of strategy provides 
  • How a challenge can be used effectively for both you and your clients 
  • The different ways to advertise your funnel 
  • Email marketing strategies, and more! 


  1. Learn about increasing your Studio's Revenue with The Client Cure Program here.
  2. Grab some Facebook Ad Inspiration 👉Here are 29 MUST-SEE Facebook Ad's from 2019.
  3. Learn more about Why Marketers Should Keep Sending You Emails
  4. Stay connected with us via Facebook and Instagram!
  5. And of course, if you're interested in learning more about Emily Montgomery connect with her via Be Mindful Marketing, Instagram & Facebook!

With grit & gratitude,


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