
The Coach Takeover: Emily Slaneff and Still Dealing with the Pandemic

With studios opening up, clients walking in through our doors, the world moving into some semblance of normalcy, it’s easy to forget that we’re still in the midst of a pandemic. 

And with that, we forget that it’s 100% okay to still feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure about your future. 

In today’s Coach Takeover episode, we have Emily Slaneff, owner of boutique HIIT studio CrushCamp, to share and discuss her feelings of anxiety around this stage of her business. 

While she gives tips on pricing, creating multiple modality memberships, and achieving the perfect work-life balance , this episode is about sharing her personal experiences as a studio owner in the COVID era and helping you feel like you’re heard and understood. 

She’s also joined by Peter Pastijn, fellow Studio Grow Coach, pricing whiz, and founding partner, co-owner, and co-concept designer of The Cycling Room and The Room in the UAE. 

If you’ve ever needed someone to sit you down and tell you you’re not alone in your struggles, this episode is calling your name!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Emily built her first studio and the incredible lessons that she learned from this experience
  • The concept she focused on with her second location that led to it being a success in her community
  • What Emily did to navigate the government lockdowns in her country {and where she is at now in this process}
  • The way that her own workouts have evolved to listen to her body, plus how she integrates this philosophy into the services her studio offers 

With grit and gratitude,



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