I bet your studio ownership journey had some do-or-die moments where you worried if your business would make it.
Friend, you’re in good company. Be encouraged as Coach Elle Kealy chats with Rachel and Taylor, co-owners of Evolve Studios in Louisiana, in Episode 631, The Art of the Turnaround. Hear how they went from “blind and naive” opening their first studio to two thriving locations – and steady paychecks!
Tips from the trenches:
- Frame your foundation: create a plan, run the numbers and learn business basics
- Embrace sweat and tears: work hard and long, expect obstacles and stay focused
- Delegate more: lose your superhero complex to avoid burnout and allow for growth
- Make lemonade from lemons: approach challenges as opportunities to become better
- Seek a sounding board: bounce ideas and issues off a business partner or coach
Going from teaching 8 classes a day to leading a well-oiled machine that doesn’t run your life is a process. Tune in to this success story in Episode 631.
Catch you there.
With grit and gratitude,