
Podcast Episode 003: Why You Should Never Start with a Business Plan


When I started my businesses I had a clear vision:

I wanted to build several companies, while not having to live accessible to them. These companies would ultimately have several tiers of management so that I would focus on new development and big picture growth.

{but here’s the kicker}

I wanted a typical week to include no more than fifteen hours work. Oh, and I wanted to bring in millions of dollars in revenue. Yes, I just put 15 hours a week work and 7 figures in the same sentence.

Raise your hand if you think what I just said is impossible, if not insane. Yup, I guessed that’s what most people work thinking.

Two years later, this is exactly what my company looked like.

Seven years later, I started consulting with other people’s companies because, well, I was lucky if I had 5 hours work on a given week.

And, this year, I’m on target to sell most of my companies for quite a lot of money {totally answer to prayer}. Add that to the millions we’ve brought in over the last eight and that makes me a very happy girl.

Most people would tell me that I am lucky. I agree. I think that these businesses have been truly blessed and I send up prayers just about every day thanking God for how this path.

But, I also think I built a business around the life I wanted to have.

You see, I’m not a typical business owner. My husband is in the Army, and the last eight years have brought 7 moves {considering we lived almost four years in North Carolina that’s 6 moves in 3.5 years}. He deploys regularly, which leaves me a single mom of a now seven year old away from family.

And, speaking of family, I am crazy close to mine. My grandparents, who were like a second set of parents to me, were in their mid-80’s when I started these companies and I didn’t want my mom, as an only child to be caring for them alone. I wanted enormous flexibility to be home in Louisiana, regardless of where we were living. In 2014 when we lost both of them, I made 9 trips home to New Orleans.

Maybe you’re saying, this is crazy…there’s no way I can do this. And, you’re right. If you don’t set your business up for the life you want to live, you won’t do this.

I have seen these results because every decision I have made has been based around my desire to live a life I have specifically chosen. You can build a business that allows for your dream life, but you have to know exactly what that life is going to look like and shape your business around it.

I dive super deep into this in Episode 003 as it’s truly the lifeblood of my business.

Listen in to get the full scoop!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Who my number 1 role model is and why her sacrifices for her business inspire me more than anything else. Sacrifices aren’t a bad thing because they can lead to incredible blessings.
  • How to build a business around the life you want to have. This isn’t about the present. This is about the future. Don’t stay short-sided when looking to grow your business into the empire you crave.
  • What the questions are you must ask yourself to help build your dream day, your dream year, and your dream numbers. This isn’t a guessing game. Numbers help you project what you want to achieve and make it achievable!

Get a hold of my free download on How to Create Your Life Plan so you can get today!

And don’t wait to join my Ready Aim Empire Tribe on Facebook! We will be diving deeper on the topics I share in today’s episode.

Coral 18


With Grit & Gratitude,



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