Meet Nathania Stambouli, and Get the Inside Scoop on Launching Retreats that Sell Out

What do you get when you cross a marketing director with a yoga teacher?

You get THIRTY sign-ups on your very first retreat.

If you’ve ever thought about hosting your own retreat, this is an episode you should-not-cannot miss.

Today, we’re getting up close and personal with Nathania Stambouli, founder of Soul Play yoga and Soul Tribe Adventures.

And let me tell you, this woman is on FIRE: She runs not one, but two incredibly successful businesses fulltime and makes it breezier than her Bali retreats.

Apart from digging deep into exactly what goes into creating and marketing a successful retreat, we also chat about Nathania’s experience of buying a well-established studio and the journey of rebranding it to make it her own, and the entrepreneurial fire you need to launch a secondary business without pulling (all of) your hair out!

If you’re content with where you’re at and have no desire to grow your studio, maybe this one isn’t for you.

But, if you’ve got fire in your soul and the thought of growing your studio has you giddy with excitement, then get ready for some major inspiration.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Nathania’s secret to getting her retreats featured and promoted in so many publications
  • Why strategy plus luck, consistency and follow through = Free Advertising
  • The secret to taking over a studio owned by someone else without losing all existing clients

  • The three sticking points that Nathania didn’t anticipate and how she was able to work through them
  • How she juggles having two very busy and successful businesses


With grit and gratitude,


How to Work Smarter not Harder to Maximize Your Studio’s Profit

Hitting that 7-figure mark is like announcing your membership to the official ‘I’ve Made It’ club on a megaphone.

In this episode, I’m letting you in on a little secret.

The real magic’s in your profit margins.

And, that million dollar mark?

It’s a vanity metric.

As we go into this episode, here’s one thing I want you to think about,

How much money do you want to make? And, how hard do you want to work for it?

Think comfortable income, working just a few hours a week, and oodles of time to spend with your family.

This week, we’re getting up close and personal with studios that are banking serious profit without breaking their backs trying to close in on a million dollars, talking about the shifts and changes you can make to maximize your profit margins, and the biggest red flags that tell you that your business model needs a serious re-evaluation.

If you dream of hustling smart instead of hustling hard, this is the episode for you.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why the million dollar mark may not be the best metric to celebrate

  • What studios with over 50% profit margin look like

  • How ancillary services can turn your studio into a profit goldmine

  • Why the number of clients shouldn’t be the main measure of success for your studio

  • The only thing clients care about (Hint: It’s not your lineage)

  • How to calculate the appropriate pay for your teachers, red flags to look for and a whole lot more!

With grit and gratitude,


Meet Christy Laurence – Tech start-up founder, llama lover, and the answer to all your Instagram problems

I adore Instagram, it’s my guilty pleasure. But as a business owner, it drives me nuts. It’s such a powerful way to make a real connection with your people, but boy, can it be exhausting to get your grid to look just right.

Today we’re speaking to Christy Laurence, the founder of Plann, and the Aussie knight in shining armour to all our Instagram woes.

Like all great tech solutions, Plann was born out of Christy’s need to create a beautiful feed for her illustration business, but with no real solution on the market, she made her own.

Now, Plann helps millions of business owners around the world drag and drop images to organize their grid for that #flawless aesthetic, find and make sense of their analytics (like the best performing colour schemes on their feed), and take all the anxiety and stress out of what to post and when.

Tune in as we chat with Christy in this strategy-packed episode about how you can use Instagram (and Plann!) to create a visual story that draws in your ideal clients, ride out any and all curveballs the algorithm throws your way, and the secret to building a following that engages with your content, AND, find out the one rule your parents told you not to break, that you should definitely be breaking.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The strategy behind successful Instagram marketing and Instagram “hot spots”
  • How developing your voice will develop your brand
  • The difference between paid and organic advertising on Instagram and Christy’s take on what the future might hold
  • How and why you should utilize white space in your feed
  • The difference between business versus personal Instagram accounts
  • Why Christy has over 40 tests running at a time!


With grit and gratitude,


Inside Million Dollar Studios — What Does a 7-figure Studio Really Look Like?

“There’s no way you can be a 6-figure Pilates studio owner.”

“Well, only after 20 years experience and if you were a second generation teacher and if you were in NYC/ LA/ London/ Sydney and even then it was a stretch. Do the math. It’s impossible.”

If you think your studio can only make 7-figures if you charged $100/hour, and you could only charge $100 if you had 40 years of experience, were a second generation teacher and had your studio blessed by the Dalai Lama.

Then hon’, you’ve been selling yourself short.

I’ve seen a flurry of Facebook posts lately, and it’s got me thinking, how many studio owners out there have no idea of the kind of profit their studios could make?

Today we’re getting up close and personal with some of our 7-figure studios and shedding a little light on just what it takes to get to that elusive 7-figure studios.

In this episode, we’ll be looking at four of our yoga and pilates studios and really digging into the challenges that were holding them back from hitting that million dollar mark, and the changes we made to get them safely into 7-figure territory.

If figuring out how to scale your studio makes you feel about as lost as last year’s Easter egg, then darling, this is just the right episode for you.

In this episode you’ll learn:

    • What’s really possible for your studio when it comes to revenue
    • One of the biggest fitness industry myth and how it might be holding you back
    • The monthly breakdown of studios that are hitting 7-figures or $83,000 a month.
    • The metrics you need to focus on to measure (and maximize!) your studio’s revenue
    • How I calculate retention and conversion rates and why these number matter so much
    • The big mistake most studios with 1:1 clients are making
    • The one number that matters EVEN MORE than your revenue
  • And, why 7-figure revenues don’t matter unless you’re also hitting this one financial goal

With grit + gratitude,
