The Business of Boutique Fitness
029: A Case Study in Raising Your Prices (And Tripling Your Average Client Monthly Value in 4 Weeks)
Before you get the cold sweats from this topic, I really want you to understand something.
Everyone has fears around this topic. Everyone.
It’s hard to raise your prices and think that you won’t lose 50% of your clients.
However, if you communicate your rates on a personalized basis and move forward with it, you will be able to retain a huge percentage of your business.
I have a special guest on this episode of the podcast, Erin Haag of Pilates of Palm Beach, who shares her experience with raising her rates. {P.S. – she retained 98% of her clients}
- Why potential clients tend to look at your highest price and then compare your other price points to that
- What is a reasonable time point to roll out price increases
- What is two-tier pricing?
- Mass emails create mass hysteria
- How to plan rolling out price change to your clients
- The difference between rolling out price changes in an automated manner versus doing it personally to each client
- Why it is important to be clear and scripted while rolling out new pricing
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With grit + gratitude,