This is exactly how I found our highest paying customers and let me share with you how you can find yours too.
I was browsing our Ready Aim Empire Facebook group and someone commented with a really great question –
“How on earth do you find people who are willing to pay for premium products?”
I’ve made a really consistent choice throughout all of my businesses. I wanted to price myself as a premium provider.
A lesson I learned a long time ago was that I got the least amount of headaches from the people who paid me the most money.
In addition to that, if I needed to make $100,000, it would only take me 10 people who were willing to pay me $10,000. Instead of 100 people willing to pay me $1,000 or even 1,000 people willing to pay me $100.
I recognized where my bandwidth was and where I could focus my customer service. I identified my sweet spot being to really get my clients results and I knew I just couldn’t do that for $100.
That is reflected in my pricing.
But then a lot of my clients have said, “Great, you’ve sold me on premium pricing, but how do I find those people?”
So many people think they are in the smallest market or it won’t work for them. And TRUST me when I say, it’s possible for you.
Listen into Episode 077 and you’ll learn:
- Why I work in a premium provider format (versus a lower price point service)
- Why it is important to educate your clients on how you can make a difference
- Why you need to let people know there is a problem and how you can provide a solution with social proof
- How to use re-targeting Facebook ads focused on testimonials
- How gift giving can influence your customers
- All about behavior driven Facebook and Instagram ads
- What does mapping your clients mean?
Join my Ready Aim Empire tribe to find incredible insights from other entrepreneurs and share your own takeaways!
With grit + gratitude,
Xo Lisé