I’m so excited to be sharing with you one of the top publicity experts in our space, Selena Soo.
When it comes to publicity, I never recognized the power of it early on. I grew my businesses pretty organically.
So it wasn’t until a few years into our business that we could leverage publicity in such powerful ways to gain influence and build enormous amounts of revenue.
It’s one of the pieces that gets left out of the puzzle for a lot of small business owners.
Third party endorsements can help build your authority and really be seen as credible.
I know for me one of the biggest reasons I didn’t hop onto the publicity bandwagon was some serious mindset blocks.
Who am I to put myself out there?
Am I ready to be on camera?
Do I have a story that people want to listen to?
So many fears that really delayed me from diving into this sooner. And if I was going to change one thing, it would be to rectify this mindset issue earlier.
I’ve discovered that there are hundreds of publicity opportunities available to you as a small business owner every day.
Don’t pressure yourself to be perfect with the best website and best everything else.
You have a message as an expert that needs to be heard.
So listen into Episode 092 and you’ll learn:
- The difference between advertising and publicity
- Why mindset held me back initially
- How guest posts and podcasts interviews will really help you get started
- The importance and giving yourself permission to not be perfect
- To take one step at a time, allow yourself to step into being an expert!
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With grit + gratitude,
Xo Lisé