
Podcast Episode 115: Becoming Team Disney- 4 Strategies You Can Use Today To Turn Your Team Into a Customer Service Powerhouse

The Business of Boutique Fitness

115: Becoming Team Disney: 4 Strategies You Can Use Today To Turn Your Team Into a Customer Service Powerhouse

The Business of Boutique Fitness         The Business of Boutique Fitness        
115: Becoming Team Disney: 4 Strategies You Can Use Today To Turn Your Team Into a Customer Service Powerhouse           115: Becoming Team Disney: 4 Strategies You Can Use Today To Turn Your Team Into a Customer Service Powerhouse          
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    Who has been to the happiest place on Earth?

    If you’re anything like me, you get a huge grin on your face just thinking about those big ole Mickey Mouse ears.

    Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember all the incredible experiences I had riding the train through Disney and exploring every nook and cranny.

    Specifically when I was 4 years old, my nana was diagnosed with lung cancer and didn’t have a lot of time left. And when she had a choice of what she wanted to do with her time left, she wanted to go straight to Disney.

    You can see why I have such fond thoughts of that incredible park in Orlando.

    Disney started out knowing that their customer experience is one of the most important parts of why people would be a part of their community.

    That’s something that taught me a lot about my own company. My clients had a journey that they wanted and NEEDED to be on.

    As we look at building an incredible client experience , we’re going to use Disney as inspiration.

    So listen into Episode 115 and you’ll learn:

    • How the Disney cast members relates to my team members
    • What is schema and how is it used to describe job descriptions?
    • Why credentials can be secondary to personality and values
    • The difference between interviewing and holding an audition using action based hiring
    • How a list of responsibilities and a role differs

    Join my Ready Aim Empire tribe to find incredible insights from other entrepreneurs and share your own takeaways!

    With grit + gratitude,
    Xo Lisé

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