
Podcast Episode 144: Meet Katy Katzmann, Bikram Yoga Studio Founder on Taking a Leap of Faith and Ramping Up Client Retention Through The Art of Cultivating Community

The Business of Boutique Fitness

144: Meet Katy Katzmann, Bikram Yoga Studio Founder on Taking a Leap of Faith and Ramping Up Client Retention Through The Art of Cultivating Community

The Business of Boutique Fitness         The Business of Boutique Fitness        
144: Meet Katy Katzmann, Bikram Yoga Studio Founder on Taking a Leap of Faith and Ramping Up Client Retention Through The Art of Cultivating Community           144: Meet Katy Katzmann, Bikram Yoga Studio Founder on Taking a Leap of Faith and Ramping Up Client Retention Through The Art of Cultivating Community          
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    Bikram Yoga Temecula was never intended to be just another yoga studio in the suburbs of southern California…

    When Katy dreamed of one day opening her space, it was always about creating a community.

    And funny enough, her foray into owning a Bikram yoga studio follows the path that closely mirrors how many of the stories in our favorite movies unfold.

    With a deep sense of longing for a life change (in her case a switch in careers and an international move), a strong gut feeling, and a massive leap of faith.

    But it didn’t come without its share of roadblocks.

    From consistently losing touch with (and missing out) on converting visitors to clients to facing team push back on process changes, Katy knew something had to give.

    So, with grit (and you know I love a girl with grit), smarts, and as she says, “continuing to look for the green lights and keep moving in that direction,” Katy has and continues to persevere.

    And it’s that attitude that has brought her studio to look the way it does today…

    Which, unlike the movies with happy endings, is actually just the beginning (albeit, still a very happy one).

    She’s more than doubled her client retention, filled her studio with quality clients who are eager to learn from her and her team, and, most importantly, she’s fulfilled her dream of cultivating a true community.

    And that’s what it’s really about…

    Yes, your business needs to have stable systems, smart processes, profitability and a slew of other things that go into building a flourishing business, but the core is relationships and community.

    Between you and your team.

    Your team and your members and clients.

    And them with each other.

    When you weave together all those facets, your business becomes a force to be reckoned with.

    On today’s episode, you’ll learn:

    • Katy’s journey and how she got started in Bikram Yoga
    • Why she chose to build a yoga community – and not just a studio!
    • How Katy and her husband turned it into family business and involved their children
    • Why you need to be an educator first!
    • Some of the lessons that she’s learned along the way

    With grit + gratitude,


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