
Podcast Episode 172: Meet Adriene Mishler, YouTube’s Leading Yoga Influencer

The Business of Boutique Fitness

172: Meet Adriene Mishler, YouTube’s Leading Yoga Influencer

The Business of Boutique Fitness         The Business of Boutique Fitness        
172: Meet Adriene Mishler, YouTube’s Leading Yoga Influencer           172: Meet Adriene Mishler, YouTube’s Leading Yoga Influencer          
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    Adrienne Mishler Headshot

    I met Adriene Mishler at a hotel somewhere in the middle of the U.S., just after 9 in the evening, one dark, cold night.  

    To say I was frustrated would be an understatement.  

    A month or so of injury recovery had left my limber body, well, anything, but limber and as I segwayed my practice into my headstand, my body felt more than a little lost {and my mind felt like all it needed was some serious, intensive, back to the basics yoga teacher training}.  

    So, I did what all modern day girl’s in my situation would do…

    I You-Tubed a solution.  

    Suffice it to say the first few videos I watched weren’t what I had in mind, but on the fourth video, there was Adriene, thoughtfully and intelligently guiding me back into my steady headstand, while taking the time to walk me through each iteration of the pose.  

    Since then, I’ve followed as she’s amassed a multi-million person following, bringing the highest quality of instruction to the masses and furthering the spread of yoga’s reach around the world.  

    Join us today as we share:

    • Adriene’s amazing journey – and how it all started on YouTube!
    • Her advice on how to find what feels good to you…
    • Why travelling to do workshops is such a big part of her business
    • How they decided on the audience they wanted to target with videos
    • The moment she says she knew the business was really “taking off”
    • Ways the YouTube business has evolved into so much {and her future vision}
    • Why Adriene is committed to still learning and prioritizing her community
      {even as the numbers grow}!


    With grit + gratitude,


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