
Meet Valerie Moselle and Learn How Luma Yoga is Shifting the Landscape in Santa Cruz

The Business of Boutique Fitness

252: Meet Valerie Moselle and Learn How Luma Yoga is Shifting the Landscape in Santa Cruz

The Business of Boutique Fitness         The Business of Boutique Fitness        
252: Meet Valerie Moselle and Learn How Luma Yoga is Shifting the Landscape in Santa Cruz           252: Meet Valerie Moselle and Learn How Luma Yoga is Shifting the Landscape in Santa Cruz          
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    Raise your hand if you’ve ever said or thought something along the lines of…

    “I detest sales.”

    “Selling is icky.”

    “I did not start this business to be a salesperson.”

    Yes, as you’re reading this, raise your hand, even if it feels silly. Trust me, you’re not silly, and you’re most definitely not alone because I am right there with you.

    You might be shocked to learn that I am Horrible (capital H) at sales. That is, traditional sales.

    I thrive with growing relationships, creating offerings that I know and genuinely want to benefit the lives of my clients, and helping them choose the best fit for them, even if that means I’m not their best fit.

    That’s the kind of sales I’m good at.

    Selling from that place feels good, and guess what? It makes selling not feel icky and transforms your business from one that’s merely surviving to thriving.Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 12.33.13 PM

    This is a concept that my guest, Valerie Moselle, owner of Luma Yoga, keenly understands as she’s worked to not only build something that filled a gap in her marketplace and ignited her passion (a yoga studio that caters to people of all ages, especially families), but build it in a way that’s financially sustainable and allows her to be able to provide well for her family and team, and thus, her community.

    If you’ve ever felt the yearning to be of greater service while also building a more abundant life, this conversation is one I know you’ll resonate with and might just be the truth you need to hear to finally flip the switch on sales.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • How Valerie has transformed her business and systems allowing her to take leave for four weeks {and not have it suffer}
    • The unique ways you can make your business work with multiple business partners
    • How she developed their systems and processes and went from “reactive” to “active” mode
    • What charging people correctly, not discounting, and shifting to a membership model allowed her business to do {and what the process looked like}
    • How Valerie has completely transformed her business by changing the conversation with her customers

    Connect with Valerie and Luma Yoga on Facebook and Instagram.

    With grit and gratitude,


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