
Designing your Virtual Storefront: Meet Fernando Cuis

For this episode, we’re super excited to have Client Cure Coach, Erin Haag, taking over as host to interview Fernando Cuis, Web Developer and Founder of Cuis Interactive. 

Y’all, your website is your virtual storefront. You wouldn’t have cobwebs, and rundown old equipment at your studio, then why on earth do so many studios have websites that look like relics from the 90s!? 

But I get it, y’all. Building a website isn’t easy. Between HTML, CSS, WordPress plug-ins, there’s enough jargon in that industry to make even a seasoned business owner’s head swirl.

And that darling  is where Fernando comes in.

Join us as we discuss the biggest mistakes boutique fitness studios owners make in their websites (and how to avoid them), why website design needs to be consistent across all three platforms (desktop, mobile, tablet), how to use emotional connection to hook clients, the importance of ‘find-ability’ on the web, and potential industry trends that will boost your monthly sales. 

Grab your AirPods and get ready to give your website a new lick of paint. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The biggest pitfall or gap found in most small boutique studios websites
  • How to start profiling your ideal customer and then using that information in all your marketing efforts
  • The impact that “overdoing” your website has on your potential clients
  • Changes that you can make to your website today that will dramatically improve its effectiveness
  • Why mobile “find-ability” is critical 
  • Fernando’s thoughts on the current trends in the industry


? Email Fernando:

With grit & gratitude,


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